Exceptional Mediation Training

Where mediation instructors combine academic theory and practical experience to create a world-class learning experience.



The mediation process is an extraordinarily powerful tool built on the proposition that if people are afforded the opportunity to truly listen to each other, understand one another’s needs, and participate in making decisions affecting their futures, conflicts can be de-escalated and resolved entirely.


– Bruce Edwards, Expert Mediator & Instructor

Are You Ready to Learn with our Exceptional Mediation Training?

Since starting the academy in 2014, we’ve successfully trained thousands of students to be the best mediators in the world.

From every walk of life… and every part of the globe… people have relied on our mediation courses to help them pursue and perfect their passion to help others.

Our courses can help you:

These are just a few examples of how we help our students begin a new career in dispute resolution… and make practicing mediators better.

The Academy’s interactive online courses are taught by a long list of the most recognized and distinguished experts in the mediation field.

You simply will not find a more experienced and successful group of instructors on the skill of mediation on the planet.

What Makes EMA The Best Choice for You?

Here’s why…

Over the last 30 years, Bruce Edwards has mediated over 8,000 disputes throughout the United States and the world.

We have the mediation experts… a deep roster of the most respected and sought-after professionals in the practice of dispute resolution through the process of mediation.

Our courses are NOT pre-recorded videos of someone talking… we deliver an interactive experience that requires deep thinking and is designed for easy retention.

And now you have the opportunity to learn how to become a world-class mediator with help from our catalog of courses and resources…

From starting your career in mediation to sharpening your mediation skills and raising your game to the next level. We have the resources for you… including:


EMA Affiliate Program

We provide online courses to people throughout the world who might not otherwise have access to this type of training.



We provide grants and trainings to individuals or organizations developing mediation services in their under-served communities.

Edwards Mediation Academy was built on the world-class standards that Bruce Edwards developed over his career as a mediator.

He created a mediation process that results in quicker resolution of disputes outside the traditional court system while providing for greater stakeholder participation and higher satisfaction.

Bruce co-founded Edwards Mediation Academy in 2014 with his wife Susan Franson Edwards with one simple goal…

Raise the overall experience of people in the mediation industry.

And we’ll help you:

  • Learn how to begin your career as a mediator.
  • Learn how to elevate your mediation skills to the next level.
  • Reach your true potential in the practice of dispute resolution through mediation.

…as we’ve done for so many of our graduates, now EMA members.

Our Mission

Train people to be outstanding mediators and dispute resolution professionals by providing real‑world, hands‑on experience from the most accomplished and respected leaders in mediation.

From two distinct objectives, came one compelling inspiration…

Mediation Training Online Learning

Objective One

Capture the stories, lessons and real world experience of the leading mediators and dispute resolution professionals responsible for creating and shaping mediation in the United States.
Mediation Training Objectives

Objective Two

Provide access to online learning as an alternative to traditional classroom education. The best lessons can be shared with students regardless of physical location.

EMA is Created

Courses combine the best experts with the most accessible learning available. Today EMA’s interactive online courses are regarded as the industry’s Gold Standard when it comes to mediation training and skill development.

Our Mission

Train people to be outstanding mediators and dispute resolution professionals by providing real‑world, hands‑on experience from the most accomplished and respected leaders in mediation.

From two distinct objectives, came one compelling inspiration…

Mediation Training Online Learning

Objective One

Capture the stories, lessons and real world experience of the leading mediators and dispute resolution professionals responsible for creating and shaping mediation in the United States.
Mediation Training Objectives

Objective Two

Provide access to online learning as an alternative to traditional classroom education. The best lessons can be shared with students regardless of physical location.

EMA is Created

Courses combine the best experts with the most accessible learning available. Today EMA’s interactive online course are regarded as the industry’s Gold Standard when it comes to mediation training and skill development.

Bruce A. Edwards

Bruce is one of the pioneers in developing mediation to resolve commercial disputes in the United States. He has been a professional mediator since 1986 and has mediated over 8000 disputes. Bruce was a co-founder and former chairman of the board of directors of JAMS. In 2023 he joined Signature Resolution to continue his mediation practice while pursuing his passion for delivering high-quality mediation training through Edwards Mediation AcademyBruce has consistently received recognition for his work as a mediator, most recently being accepted into the inaugural edition of Who’s Who in ADR by ADR Times 2022; once again recognized as a Best Lawyer in the ADR category by Best Lawyers® 2022 and recognized as a Global Elite Thought Leader and Mediator in the US by Who’s Who Legal, 2023.