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in the way we deliver the lessons and the way we help you make them yours.

Ethics In Mediation Course


The mediation profession is built on trust, and ethical issues are inherent in any conflict environment.

This module teaches students to identify, in real time, ethical issues that frequently occur in mediation and how to prevent these issues from hijacking the mediation process. Students will learn what types of ethical issues can be expected at each stage of the mediation process and specific strategies to respond appropriately.

EMA experts share real world, practical knowledge with students. This course has been expanded from our previous course (2018 – 2020) to include more activities and more examples of nuanced ethical challenges confronting today’s mediators.

Approved for 3.5 hours CLE, including 3.5 Ethics credits.


Bruce A. Edwards

Bruce is one of the pioneers in developing mediation to resolve commercial disputes in the United States. He has been a professional mediator since 1986 and has mediated over 8000 disputes. Bruce was a co-founder and former chairman of the board of directors of JAMS. In 2023 he joined Signature Resolution to continue his mediation practice while pursuing his passion for delivering high-quality mediation training through Edwards Mediation Academy. Bruce has consistently received recognition for his work as a mediator, most recently being accepted into the inaugural edition of Who’s Who in ADR by ADR Times 2022; once again recognized as a Best Lawyer in the ADR category by Best Lawyers® 2022 and recognized as a Global Elite Thought Leader and Mediator in the US by Who’s Who Legal, 2023.