The Mediation Lawyer: Representing Clients in Mediation



This Mediation lawyer course is designed for experienced counsel and novice attorneys who want to expand their professional services to include representing clients in mediation. The role of the Mediation Lawyer (sometimes referred to as a Mediation Advocate) differs from that of the traditional litigation advocate, and today’s attorneys need to master the skills to help their clients win at mediation.

We build on your education and experience as an attorney and help you expand your skills in a new direction, one that will add value for your clients and your legal practice. This course redefines what it means to obtain a successful outcome for your client while providing the best practices on how to represent your client’s interests in the mediation room.

While lawyers’ roles may differ from country to country, this course is designed to develop mediation advocacy skills for all lawyers, regardless of their country or specialty areas of practice.

Consider the following…

For most corporate clients, their lawsuits never make it to court. Parties negotiate settlements to avoid the costly process of litigation and the risk of negative results, including bad publicity.

For many individual clients, the expense associated with pursuing a dispute through the legal system is prohibitive and time-consuming. They prefer an alternative process that saves time and money and allows the possibility of restoring broken relationships. When presented a choice, most individuals opt for a process that enables them to participate fully in making decisions.

The solution in both settings is to prioritize dispute resolution through mediation before exhausting the traditional litigation process.

Understanding how to effectively navigate the mediation process … and possessing the skills necessary to successfully represent your client in the mediation room, is no longer an option. It is essential knowledge for practicing attorneys.

For those who want:

  • Their own mediative competencies
  • Strategies and advice from experienced mediators and litigators in private practice, law professors, and successful mediation lawyers
  • The skills necessary to successfully guide their clients through the mediation process
  • The benefits of a professional reputation that includes a broad range of advocacy skills
  • A more rewarding approach to client representation; one that returns us to the roots of the legal profession

How we teach:

  • We focus on teaching practical mediation skills, including how best to represent your client in the mediation room…lessons beyond textbook learning, enhanced with instructive anecdotes from experienced mediators and mediation lawyers.
  • We help you absorb the fundamental principles of mediation advocacy by applying specific techniques in a real-world environment. Gain insights from experienced counsel, both their successes and failures.
  • We teach around a multi-party, complex commercial mediation as a real-world shadow experience for skill development. Observe nuanced mediation advocacy strategies by watching them in action.
  • We draw from some of the most accomplished commercial mediators and mediation lawyers, including Bruce Edwards, who breaks down the mediation process into simple stages with commentary and examples to support your learning at each stage.

What you'll learn:

  • The fundamental principles of mediation advocacy and how they differ from litigation advocacy
  • A systematic and thorough analysis of conflict resolution
  • How to design the most appropriate mediation process to fit the unique needs of your client and the dispute
  • How to prepare yourself and your client for each stage of the mediation process, from convening to settlement
  • How to build connections in the mediation room… even with the most challenging adversaries
  • How to master the subtle art of negotiation, including those negotiating behaviors that are counterproductive in the mediation environment
  • How to create comprehensive solutions that capture winning results for your clients and your adversary
Purchase your course now and expand your skillset to include Mediation Lawyer!

Bruce A. Edwards

Bruce is one of the pioneers in developing mediation to resolve commercial disputes in the United States. He has been a professional mediator since 1986 and has mediated over 8000 disputes. Bruce was a co-founder and former chairman of the board of directors of JAMS. In 2023 he joined Signature Resolution to continue his mediation practice while pursuing his passion for delivering high-quality mediation training through Edwards Mediation Academy. Bruce has consistently received recognition for his work as a mediator, most recently being accepted into the inaugural edition of Who’s Who in ADR by ADR Times 2022; once again recognized as a Best Lawyer in the ADR category by Best Lawyers® 2022 and recognized as a Global Elite Thought Leader and Mediator in the US by Who’s Who Legal, 2023.


Mediation Advocacy Course - Instructors

Bruce Edwards
John Bates
John Bates
Eric D. Green
Victor Schachter
Lynne Hermle
Peter Robinson
Honorable Daniel Weinstein Mediation Instructor
Hon. Danny Weinstein
Hon. Rebecca Westerfield

Mediation Advocacy Course - CLE Approved Credits

Our Effective Mediation Advocate: Winning at Mediation Course has been approved by the California Bar Association for 30.75 hours of CLE with the California Bar Association, including .5 Legal Ethics and .75 Recognition & Elimination of Bias. 

After completing the course, you’ll receive a certificate from Edwards Mediation Academy for a 30-hour course.

Also, California Bar Association approved courses have been granted reciprocal approval in many other states. If you are from another state and have questions, email us at


Edwards Mediation Academy - Course Discounts

We offer discounts to students, military, qualifying groups or business organizations, and existing EMA members. Please contact us for more information.